Wednesday, August 28, 2013

"Candid Camera"

Bill purchased a Moultrie Camera to take photos of animals as they moved through our property.  We discovered many animals will be living on the land with us!

A Piliated Woodpecker has found many dead trees in which to poke around and
find insects for dinner.  They are very large and beautiful birds.

"Run, run as fast as you can little squirrel!"

Can you find the mouse???

We can't believe that a possum and a groundhog live in the same tree trunk den together!! 
But it's hard to argue with the photo proof!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Farm Tour at Hickory Hill Vineyards & Winery

The annual "Farm Tour" was held at the Hickory Hill Vineyards & Winery in August, 2013.  Wine tasting, animal petting, crafts & visiting with local Master Gardeners were highlights of the tour.


Monday, July 29, 2013

Tomatoes Here - Tomatoes There - Tomatoes Everywhere!

Our garden has produced enought tomatoes for us to get busy with the    task of canning.  The first day was a learning experience - the second day, I used the assembly-line method  and the process went smoother.         It wasn't any faster,  just smoother! 
"Beatles" music playing in the background helped to keep me on task!

We had 4 boxes of tomatoes this size for canning.

Cleaned & cored tomatoes.

We had to take the first canning pot back to the store
(it wouldn't work on the glass-top stove) & order a different one.       
It's a much better pot!

 Peeled tomatoes - enough for 7 jars.

And finally, after 2 days of canning - 14 jars of tomatoes!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Cooking & Canning from the Garden!

The Raper Garden is Growing!

This was our garden in the spring. 
The following 2 pictures show how much everything has grown. 
We've learned a few lessons: spacing is very important (the zuchini & squash plants
grew to be huge & we're having a hard time getting between them!), keep plenty of
bamboo sticks around for tying up the tomatoes and pepper plants as they grow taller
& spray for blossom rot often!

We went on a spending spree at Lowes to purchase needed supplies for canning -
$100 later, we thought we had it all.  Now I find out we also need a
pressure cooker canner for the zuchini & squash!!

Our first cooking projects: "Double Chocolate Walnut Zuchini Bread"
and "Zuchini-Squash-Potato Casserole". 
Bill baked "Panko-Breaded Chicken Breasts" to go
with our casserole.  They were delicious!!
We're looking for new recipes - any you would like to send our way would be appreciated !!


Friday, July 19, 2013

"Horse and Hound Festival"

July always brings the "Horse and Hound Festival" to the Johnson Apple Orchard & Peaks of Otter Winery.  The fields were filled with craft, wine & food booths, horse & dog activities and great music.  This year, they sponsored a "Dress like your Owner Contest".  I only spotted one dog & owner in the crowd who I thought might win!

Miss Lynchburg sang "America".

The dogs chased a  bag around a course.

I petted one of the horses.

Crafts, wine & food!

Bill standing with the "Red Devil" at the Peaks of Otter Winery Tent.

What kind of John Deere is this??

Don't you think this little tiny cutie should win the "Dress like my Owner Contest"?!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Summertime Blooms

The former owners of this rental did a wonderful job of landscaping.  We have flowers blooming all over.  We've added to the mixture by placing hanging pots hoping to attract  humingbirds and by planting a few flowers in our vegetable garden.  So far, we've only seen one humingbird - I think they come around when we're not watching.

Anyone know what the name of the lavender flower is?  It is beautiful!


Bill and I decided to try our gardening skills while still in the rental house.  After much digging, hoeing and adding extra soil, we were able to get the dirt ready for planting.  Our small plants have grown much bigger and are beginning to produce vegetables: green and red peppers, squash and tomatoes.   We're looking forward to our first tomato and mayonnaise sandwich of the season!