The Raper Garden is Growing!
This was our garden in the spring.
The following 2 pictures show how much everything has grown.
We've learned a few lessons: spacing is very important (the zuchini & squash plants
grew to be huge & we're having a hard time getting between them!), keep plenty of
bamboo sticks around for tying up the tomatoes and pepper plants as they grow taller
& spray for blossom rot often!
We went on a spending spree at Lowes to purchase needed supplies for canning -
$100 later, we thought we had it all. Now I find out we also need a
pressure cooker canner for the zuchini & squash!!
Our first cooking projects: "Double Chocolate Walnut Zuchini Bread"
and "Zuchini-Squash-Potato Casserole".
Bill baked "Panko-Breaded Chicken Breasts" to go
with our casserole. They were delicious!!
We're looking for new recipes - any you would like to send our way would be appreciated !!